Father's Day: Bits of Appreciation

Father's Day: Bits of Appreciation

May 29, 2023

Celebrating Father's Day with Love and Appreciation

Fatherhood is a celebration of countless incredible moments. Our Dads are our caregivers, life coaches, tutors, and often, our best buddies. Cheers to the fathers out there who have guided us through challenges, and taught us life lessons along the way.

You don't have to wait until Father's Day to appreciate the amazing Dads in your life. As Father's Day approaches, it's time to reflect on the immeasurable impact fathers have on our children's lives—a day to celebrate their support and love. These bonds go beyond family as well, it’s an opportunity for recognizing the men who have shown us what it means to be selfless, compassionate, and resilient.

We'd love to hear about your fondest stories, memorable moments, or family traditions with Dad. Let us know in the comments below what your favorite memory with Dad is for a chance to win a Father’s Day Gift Box! Share your memories and you could win a specialty curated selection of Father’s Day candy!

This Giveaway is Now CLOSED. Thanks to Everyone Who Entered! A Winner Will be Contacted Shortly.
We've Loved Reading All of Your Stories About Your Dads! Happy Father's Day!

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Comments (53)

  • I have many great memories with my dad.
    In the car rides we would have talks of life and people, in the woods taking our hikes & hunting. There are so many I have a hard time picking just one from many wonderful ones. But I believe the greatest ones are the ones we are making today as he is getting older and as am I. We look back together and remind each other of our fun times together.

  • I have so many wonderful memories with my dad, but I feel like holidays spent with him and my family are some of the best!

  • My Dad is everything. Never complains, always finds the bright side of everything, and loves me no matter how bad I mess up. ;)

  • My dad cooked my favorite foods. Thanks dad!!

  • My dad would take pictures of us when we were little. He loved taking pictures as a hobby. I still have those pictures. Thanks dad for the memories!

  • I was very sick. My dad would call from work and ask about me. Making phone calls at work was a big no-no. He secretly made phone calls when no one was around. Thanks dad for loving me. Happy Father’s Day!!

  • I remember going camping with my dad. We went fishing and hiking. I would love to do this with my future children.

  • Father. A man who knows you’re always his little girl. Memories : we went camping one year in Baxter Missouri and got hit with a very bad storm. Dad kom me and my little sister were camping in one of the campsites close to the lakeshore. Dad came and woke us up and we had to go to a motel to wait out the storm. When we returned our tent was submerged blankets were wrapped around a tree trunk couple miles down the lakeshore. I remember getting chocolate covered pretzels at the circus and riding the elephants with my dad. My dad is my hero and it’s hard to shop for the perfect gift. I wish Good luck to all contestants!

    Destoni Meyer
  • My fondest memories were going to the beach with my father and family in the summer on weekends.

  • My dad passed away when I was 16 years old, but I was the one who was with him those last couple years of his life. I learned so much about him during long talks driving different places or while we cooked in the kitchen together. Our favorite things to cook together were stir fry or fried potato chips. I always think of those as major dad type foods now! We would watch movies together and talk about life. He would tell me the trick to the SAT was to answer C if you didn’t know the answer. Not sure that was true, but any tips from dad are welcome! He would say the little things are what matter most. And it touched me that he always kept the cards I made him as a kid where I wrote silly poems such as “My favorite color is yellow. You are quite the fellow. Happy Father’s Day”
    Dads are the best!

    Laura Lawbaugh

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