Father's Day: Bits of Appreciation

Father's Day: Bits of Appreciation

May 29, 2023

Celebrating Father's Day with Love and Appreciation

Fatherhood is a celebration of countless incredible moments. Our Dads are our caregivers, life coaches, tutors, and often, our best buddies. Cheers to the fathers out there who have guided us through challenges, and taught us life lessons along the way.

You don't have to wait until Father's Day to appreciate the amazing Dads in your life. As Father's Day approaches, it's time to reflect on the immeasurable impact fathers have on our children's lives—a day to celebrate their support and love. These bonds go beyond family as well, it’s an opportunity for recognizing the men who have shown us what it means to be selfless, compassionate, and resilient.

We'd love to hear about your fondest stories, memorable moments, or family traditions with Dad. Let us know in the comments below what your favorite memory with Dad is for a chance to win a Father’s Day Gift Box! Share your memories and you could win a specialty curated selection of Father’s Day candy!

This Giveaway is Now CLOSED. Thanks to Everyone Who Entered! A Winner Will be Contacted Shortly.
We've Loved Reading All of Your Stories About Your Dads! Happy Father's Day!

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Comments (53)

  • My favorite memories with my father seem to be the stories my siblings and I tell over and over again. My absolute favorite is one that comes up and always gets everyone laughing. When we were children, he would let us sit in his lap while he used the pedals and we could steer the car, but only on our neighborhood street. One time it was my turn, and I tried turning the wheel…it wasn’t going the direction I intended (probably because we had just turned into the neighborhood and the wheel wasn’t straight) so I figured maybe car steering wheels work opposite. I turn the wheel the complete opposite direction and my dad for some reason still used the gas and we drove into the grass and started going up a hill. Oops!! I was moved to the passenger seat and he took over getting us back on the road and home. But my siblings never let me live it down! My dad, though…he still was the one to take me to get my learners permit all those years later and insisted I get behind the wheel then as intimidated as I was. I love his constant encouragement to get me to do the things I’m too scared or intimidated to do and when I mess up, he’s never one to play the blame game. Its incredible. He always deserves to be celebrated.

    Dallas Breckon
  • My wonderful Dad has been gone 13 year this month and a day does not go by that I don’t think of him and the memories he has left with me. He raised three great children including myself. We lived in Dublin, Ireland when I was a child and I spent so much quality time with him as my Mom was an Airline employee. We really enjoyed each other and I helped him around the house and in the yard. The best part of this story is we had a family owned candy store down the street from my home and we would walk there and he would get me a special treat. I can remember the types of candy at this little store and how excited I was to get to go there with him. Love you forever Dad.

    Susan Brogdon
  • My little family has been giving my dad gag gifts as a tradition for fathers day. Always something to do with Sasquatch because my dad is a tall mountain man. However, One of the best memories i have with my dad is when i told my father i was pregnant (i was 17). He was my biggest supporter amongst my family and ALWAYS made sure i had what i needed. Growing up, I came from a family who didnt always have much when it came to being able to get nice new things, but my dad made sure i did. He is all the time visiting with my daughter and has been helping teach her her shapes, numbers and letters. My dad truly is my hero, because he stayed close when everyone else drifted away. ❤️

    Sierra Shunstrom
  • My favorite memory of my dad is going to the auto parts store! He would always buy me a pop and a candy bar. He treated like a princess when we were together.

  • I have so many great memories of going to car shows with my dad! From small local ones to well-known large ones, we’d have so much fun looking at all the different classic cars! The one I love most was a local one when I was 9, and I convinced my dad to last-minute enter his Mustang he had at the time… and he ended up getting Best in Show!

  • My favorite memories with my dad were getting to go with him to feed the cows and getting to ride in the back of the truck while he drove.

  • My Dad gave me my first driving lesson when I was in grade school. Best day ever until he walked me down the isle at my wedding!

    Diana Saxon
  • I have many memories of my father, one is every birthday he waits hieden for me to wake up and he gave me very nice hugs full of happiness!!!

  • My favorite memory with my father is anytime just the 2 of us are out we do something fun like go exploring, get ice cream, go to an art store, or something more and I always get told not to tell my siblings so it makes it extra special.

  • A favorite memory of my partner/father to my kids is him teaching my oldest how to swim and now the little one to have fun in the pool.

    marylyn nguyen

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